Heat wave in Pakistan
Pakistan’s weather suffering from extreme heatwave with the average temperature between 40-44° Celsius. This temperature has many negative impacts on the bike riders as bike riding feels like torture because temperature heat as well as the heat of the engine also smacks against the body.
Everyone has a different financial status, so the bike riders have to go outside in this extreme weather either for a job or some other tasks.
Be relaxed!
We have a list of action tips you can take to save your body from heatstroke and reduce the tendency of the ongoing heatwave effects.
Vital Recommendations: The extreme conditions of weather stances the threat of heatstroke. Therefore, it is suggested to ride or travel if it is necessary. In this blog, some worthy precautions are suggested that help you reduce the chances of being affected by heatstroke.
Use of Wet Cloth to Cover the Forehead
Suggestive Action: There’s a simple science behind it. When you put a wet cloth on your head, hot air passing through it causes water molecules to absorb heat and evaporate, hence cooling your head.
Expected Outcome: The high quantities of water absorbable including a napkin, a towel, or any cotton piece of wet cloth can be placed on the forehead, and wearing the helmet over is a good strategy. When air tries to pass by the wet cloth covered your head, the some degrees of hot air will cools typically around 7°C. In turn, it will keep your head protected from hot air and your brain will be prevented from overheating.
Logic: The science behind is logical. The water molecules engross the heat when the hot air crosses through a wet cloth is put on the head, henceforth it will cool your head.
Use of Full-Sleeve Shirt, Helmet, and Gloves
Suggestive Actions and Expected Outcome: The goal is to keep protected the body from the sunlight. To save your head from direct sunlight helmet is good choice as it is not only save your head from heat as well as fulfill the safety concerns requirement during the ride. Additionally, wearing gloves save you from skin tan and use of full-sleeve shirt is a plus point. The first question arrived in mind “How the full-sleeve shirts are better than the half sleeves?” The answer is when you ride a bike with a combination of helmet, gloves, and full sleeve shirt, in this situation full sleeve shirt is a much better selection.
Increase the Use of Water
One of the best strategies to prevent weather effects is to stay hydrated. Try to drink more water before leaving the house and at your workplace as well. The chilled water use will keep your body cool and body overheating will be stopped. To stay hydrated, use the normal water if chilled water is not available on the spot.
Heatstroke Treatment: If your job nature requires bike riding for example lengthy hours, distributions, ride-hailing, or food delivery then try to make sure to intake a good amount of water within every hour.
Avoid Parking in Direct Sunlight
Just imagine!!!
You park your bike in direct sunlight, visit a shopping mall, and come back after hours; surely your bike seat will be burning as Chicken on a BBQ grill. In another case, you have no option to park it anywhere else so keep a chilled water bottle with yourself to pour the water on the bike seat to make it cool and a tissue to wipe out the excessive water from the bike seat.
Tune Your Bike on Time
Bike engine oil runs out faster in the summer season as compared to the cold season and starts to depreciate in the hot season due to its ability to lose lubricating at a particular temperature. The motorcycle’s engines cool down with the assistance of air. But when there is a temperature exceeding 40°C it looks like the hairdryer is used to cool down an engine! Overheating of an engine is very common during the hot season. Consequently, it is appropriate to replace the oil of the engine before normal. For instance, if it is recommended by your oil manufacturer to change the oil after 1,000 KM, if you have high running in daily routine, specifically in the daytime then we recommend you to change the oil after 800 KM.
Other Actions You Can Take To Reduce The Hazards Of Heatstroke
- Try to attire light-colored outfits
- Evade the consumption of food that has high protein
- To maintain the blood flow of your nerves try to frequently wash your hands
- Avoid the use of leather shoes and wear shoes that can easily pass the fresh air through your feet
Symptoms of Heatstroke
- Blurred visualization
- Dehydrated skin
- Drive and coordination problems
- Feeling chaotic
- Faintness
- Yellow color of hands and arms
- Bubbling sound from lungs like a cough
- Hasty breathing
- Weakness
In case of any symptoms while riding a bike then immediately stop the bike, take water or fresh juice and pour water on your head, put a wet napkin on the head. If the situation not become normal then call 1122 straightaway.
Alert! Don’t forget life is important. You lived and enjoyed once so immediate actions if not taken on time will take permanent brain or nerve damage.